MegaSceneryEarth California-022

Now You Can Fly Your Favorite Places In Hyper-Realistic Detail - Day And Night.

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Now You Can Fly Your Favorite Places In Hyper-Realistic Detail - Day And Night.
With The World's Most Realistic And Largest Collection of Photo-Scenery For Microsoft Flight Simulator X.

1O2 Lampson, 4CL3 Antelope Valley Ranch, 5CA9 Konocti - Clear Lake, CN20 Ferndale Resort, Q79 Paul Hoberg

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PC Aviator Inc.
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Sam Flores 12 years ago

Eeeyuckk!!! I own the older MegaScenery 2004/05. It's right next to Clearlake CA.and is a much more satisfying experience with it's better colors and proper type of native autogen vegetation, even though it's of a lower pixellation. It appears as though a careless developer over-inundated the California landscape with oversized/overly green trees surrealistic in appearance to Navtive California vegetation. I hardly saw any conifers or oak, native to the area, like in MS 2004/05. MegaScenery X is very fine also. MegaSceneryEarth is a waste of money.